If you have decided you want to buy land to build on instead of buying an already built home, there are a few things you need to consider first.  The biggest thing you need to consider before buying land is whether you want to live in the country or the city.  Do you want acreage or do you want neighbors, or perhaps both?  Below are a few tips for buying land that may be of some help to you.   


  1. 1. If cost is important to you then you may want to purchase land  out in the country instead of the city.  The price for buying a spot of land in the city is a lot more expensive and the size of the land will be much smaller as well.  If you like to have your space then buying a lot of land out in the country may be just the thing for you. 


  1. 2. Once you have decided where you want to live, city vs. country you then will need to go to the land you are considering and look around.  Look up and see what there is to see.  Do you see a lot of cars passing by or do you see a school close by or a factory?  All of these things can become issues for you when buying a piece of land so be sure to pay attention to all of your senses when on the land, sights and smells.   


  1. 3. Find out what the zoning requirements are on the land you want to build on.  You may have plans to build a small home on your land when the zoning requirements are that you build a house that is at least 2,000 square feet.    


  1. 4. Pay attention to how close the land you want is to water.  Are there any flooding problems?  Have there been problems in the past?  These are things you need to think about.   


  1. 5. You also need to find out about the water quality on any land you are considering purchasing.  Find out if the water is pure or if you will need to purchase a water filtration system for your home once you build.  These types of things can be costly so be careful to ask as many questions as you need to get the answers you need.   


Hiring a Real Estate agent to help you find land to purchase  is the best thing you can do because they already know all of these tips and can help lead you in the direction that is best for you and your family.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.