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7 Things First-Time Home Sellers Should Expect

by Tucker Robbins

You have decided to sell your home, and dream of it immediately becoming a highly desired property with a bidding war that drives up your asking price and closing in thirty days dance in your head. Dream on! These seven tips can help bring you back to earth: 


  • - While you love your home, not everyone else will. Sellers must detach their emotions about the house while it is on the market. Think of it as a financial transaction or see it from the expectant house hunters’ point of view.


  • - Major issues with your house should be repaired before the For Sale sign goes in the front yard, and if repairs are not possible, a repair credit will have to be offered to the buyer. Be prepared to do some painting and patching, at the very least. If you want the best sale price, you should do your best to earn it.


  • - It is vital to be available to your agent, whether it be via phone calls, texting, or email. They are your link to the buyer, and it is possible to lose a sale by not being accessible.


  • - If you or your agent have decided to hire a staging firm, do not take offense if they ask to put your belongings in storage. It is not about your personal taste, but about making the home appealing to the general public and seeing it as their home.


  • - Flexibility is key when allowing potential buyers to see it. You will not be getting a weekly showing schedule that is set in stone, so be prepared for inconveniences.


  • - Because every accepted offer does not result in a sale, have the “big” things packed and ready to move, but hold off on packing the necessities until closing is imminent!


  • - Some sales take time, but incentives can make a property more attractive: cash towards the closing costs, a year’s home warranty, and payment of HOA dues are just a few ideas to attract buyers. 


There is much more to selling a house than decluttering and keeping the home clean for showings. Hopefully, being prepared, flexible, and practical will not only produce a satisfactory selling price, but it will also make the process less stressful for you and your family. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins


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How to Go Green This Spring

by Tucker Robbins

Have you ever given any thought on taking part in going green?  If so you have come to the right place.  Below are a few tips on how you and your family can go green this spring!   Why not add going green to your spring cleaning list!  


  •  One way that you and your family can go green this spring is to simply take your shoes off before you enter your house!  You read that right; you can go green by simply taking off your shoes. 40% of all indoor contaminants actually come from the bottom of our shoes so do your part to keep this from happening to you and your family by taking those shoes off!  

  • Learn what ingredients are considered to be green so that when you go to the store to purchase all of your new green cleaners you can be confident that you are actually doing some good for the environment.  Some companies that claim to be green actually have some ingredients that are not green once they are mixed together.   Just read up on what ingredients are green and what ingredients are not and are typically passed off as green and you should be heading in the right direction on what to buy and what not to buy.  

  • Don’t forget the outside of your home when you are going green.  Many grasses are able to grow and thrive without the help of any type of pesticides and /or fertilizers.  The best way to start going green with the outside of your home is to replace the grass you currently have with native grasses to your particular area.  One perk of this switch is that you may find that you have a lot less upkeep of your lawn once you do this!  Who wouldn’t enjoy having more time with their family and less time doing yard work on a weekly basis! 


These are just a few ways in which you can help to make your home a bit more green this spring.  Once you get started going green it is likely that you will find more and more ways in which to do so.  It can become addicting once you make the decision to go green in and around your home! 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Spring Cleaning the Natural Way

by Tucker Robbins

Spring has officially sprung and that means most of us are starting to get the itch to clean our homes.   Below are a few spring cleaning tips for those of you who might be interested in doing it the natural way!  These items are such that you likely already have them in your house so there will be no need to go out and purchase anything.   


 The number one item you likely already have in your house and that is perfect for spring cleaning  is baking soda!  Yes you read that right, baking soda!  It has many uses such as the following:   

  • Clean the toilet using a bit of baking soda and a scrub brush 

  • Clean the inside of your oven using some baking soda mixed with vinegar and a rag 

  • To brighten up your laundry use half a cup of baking soda mixed with each load 

  • 1 cup baking soda with 1 cup vinegar will help to unclog a clogged up drain in your sinks 

  • Sprinkle some baking soda on your rugs and carpets, wait 15 min, then vacuum to freshen them 

Another item that you likely already have on hand at home that can help make spring cleaning  easy is vinegar.  There are many uses for cleaning with vinegar such as the following: 

  • Mix vinegar with salt to get those pesky coffee stains out of your coffee mugs 

  • Spray vinegar in your bathroom for a good sanitization of each surface 

  • Believe it or not, let your socks soak in vinegar to freshen them.  This is done by adding 1 cup vinegar to a pot of water and letting them soak overnight 

  • Use a bit of distilled white vinegar on our toothbrush to make your smile brighter.  

  • If you want your windows to shine and you don’t want to use regular window cleaner, use white vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle then wipe clean with a paper towel.   

Liquid dish soap is another great help in spring cleaning and my guess is you already have some of this too!  Here are a few uses for liquid dish soap: 

  • Mop your floors with it!  Mix a couple drops with a gallon of water 

  • Clean your granite countertops with some liquid dish soap mixed with warm water then dry with a towel. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Top Things To Purge From Your Kitchen

by Tucker Robbins

Let’s face it we all have stuff we need to get rid of in our homes, and typically the kitchen has a ton of stuff that doesn’t need to be there lying around in it.  Since we are currently in the cold of winter, there is no time like the present to start cleaning out your kitchen and making it look a bit more presentable.  Below is a list of the top things you should purge from your kitchen.

  • We all have one, a junk drawer and that junk drawer is many times located in the kitchen.  It’s where we put all the items we have no idea what to do with but aren’t; quite sure we want to get rid of just yet.  Take that junk drawer and go through it with a fine tooth comb and decide what you need and what you don’t need.  Throw away all that you don’t need.  Most times the things you don’t need are the items you haven’t used in the past 6 months.  I promise you won’t miss anything.
  • Another thing we all seem to have lying around our kitchens is all those restaurant sauce packets we feel the need to keep.  Sure you might use one once in a while but most times they just take up space either in the junk drawer or in the refrigerator.  Throw all the restaurant condiments out!  It will make your kitchen look much lovelier. 
  • Yet another thing we all need to purge from our kitchens is the dressings, sauces and other items that have long since expired.  There isn’t much worse than getting ready to put some sauce on your food only to find that it expired two years ago.  Clean out your fridge and only keep those things that you are going to use within the next week or so or at least make sure that all the dates are current. 
  • Most everyone has some sort of a stack of lids in their kitchen that they just can’t seem to find a container for.  If you have a bunch of lids that don’t have matching containers to secure them to, why not just throw them out.  They no longer serve a purpose. 

Hopefully this list of items you need to purge  from your kitchen will get you starting thinking in the right direction.  At least it will be a starting point for you.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Tax Tips for New Homeowners in New Castle County, DE

by Tucker Robbins

It’s tax time, and many dread the prep and thought of paying them.  There are some deductions homeowners can take, so if this is your first time filing as a homeowner, make sure you get the maximum tax benefits out of your new home. 


  • - Homeowners can claim their mortgage interest for a tax deduction. On the chance that you’re using tax return software, it will calculate your deduction after you answer questions about your home purchase.  If you’d rather use an accountant or tax prep service to help you, they can answer all your questions. 

  • - If you moved more than fifty miles because of your job, or starting a new one, your expenses are tax deductible.  There are some time stipulations as well, according to number one in this guide from;  make sure you meet the requirements before taking this deduction.

  • - Making your home more energy efficient by installing a solar energy system or solar water heater make you eligible for a thirty percent credit for parts and labor.  Unfortunately, the credit for geothermal heat pumps and small wind turbines has expired. 

  • - Are you self-employed and use a room or section of your living area for a home office?  There’s a deduction for that.  The IRS has a couple of requirements, and if you don’t want to go through figuring up the standard deduction, they offer a simplified deduction, but choose which method takes more off your tax responsibility. 

  • - Did you pay “points” to the bank to get a better interest rate? If so, that money is tax deductible. Since points are usually 1% of your home loan, if your loan was $250,000, your tax break would be $2,500 for paying down one point. 

  • - Any property taxes are tax deductible, beginning the official date that you purchase the home, which is usually on your settlement statement you receive at closing. 

  • - Hopefully, this hasn’t happened in your first year in your new home, but if you’ve had something unfortunate happen that insurance didn’t cover, there is a casualty loss deduction for out-of-pocket expenses.  The repair cost must be more than 10% of your gross income. 


Don’t let all this information scare you away from doing your own taxes!  No matter how you decide to file, gather everything you would normally use to file taxes, but make sure you have the 1098 mortgage interest form from the lender, property tax receipts, and any paperwork you saved from the casualty loss repairs or alternative energy installments. Home ownership has many benefits for the homeowner, and you should take advantage of every penny you have worked so hard for to put into your new home. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Home Maintenance for Winter

by Tucker Robbins

Home maintenance may be the last thing on your mind now that the holidays are over and the days are becoming colder and colder.  Sitting in your home wrapped in your favorite blanket by the fire is likely what you are thinking about this winter.  There is some home maintenance items   you should take care of during the winter months however so that you don’t have to deal with issues caused by not doing so later.  Below is a list of a few home maintenance items you need to go ahead and take care of around your house this winter. 

  1.  As temperatures continue to plummet this winter you should do your best to protect your pipes from freezing.  You can wrap your pipes with many different things to protect them from the elements such as heat tape and insulated pipe covers.  If your pipes do freeze you can easily thaw them out by wrapping it in a heating pad or using a hairdryer.
  2. Another home maintenance  item you need to take care of this winter to avoid issues later in the year is to do an inspection of your roof, your gutters and your siding as well as your chimney.  Make sure that everything is in good working order before the winter pushes your house to its breaking point. 
  3. Winter is a good time to do some cleaning that you might not otherwise think about as well such as cleaning out your range hood, refrigerator coils, dusting off ceiling fans, and dusting off light fixtures and bulbs.  These items typically get overlooked when it is warm outside because you don’t spend as much time indoors when it’s nice out.  Being stuck inside on a cold wintery day is a great excuse or reason to clean these types of things. 
  4. Lastly you might want to take the time you have in your home this winter to de-clutter your house.  Getting rid of clutter will not only get rid of fire hazards but will also make you feel more at peace when you do have to spend a lot of time indoors. 

These are a few home maintenance ideas that will help you to keep your house in good working order for the year to come.   Why not get started now so that you can then have some time to rest before you have to do it all over again.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Winter Decor Ideas

by Tucker Robbins

The Christmas decorations come down, and everything looks so stark and plain, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Try some of these ideas to brighten up your home during the long winter days.  


  • - Change your light bulbs to those that give off a blue hue to mimic sunlight. For dark mornings, invest in a sunrise light that comes on and brightens over a period of time to simulate the sun rising. 

  • - Force the flower bulbs you were given as gifts. Their bright colors will bring Springtime early—indoors, anyway.  

  • - Use light, bright colors everywhere you can—cozy throws, pillows, slipcovers, and accent rug—the light colors reflect what natural light we have coming through the windows and help boost our mood.  

  • - Using natural items isn’t just for Christmas. A basket of pine cones with battery operated LED lights woven through them, or a simple wreath of twigs can double as decor for January.  

  • - Use snowflakes, no matter where you live, to brighten up your interior. Get the kids to cut out paper snowflakes, or make these popsicle stick snowflakes. Hang either on clear monofilament and make a mobile or garland and hang them in a window.  

  • - Cut the arms off of old sweaters and use them to wrap around candle holders and vases for a fun, cozy appearance.  

  • - Clip small branches and twigs, spray them with white spray paint, (or leave them natural), and display them in vases with artificial snow, small pine cones, or whole nuts as a filler.  

  • - Hang a mirror, or several, in a dark spot in your home. It will reflect light and brighten the space.  

  • Winter greens joined with a child’s sled, vintage ice skates, or a harness of jingle bells make great front door adornment.  

  • - Use unused scarves wrapped around a foam wreath core for a fun and unique decoration. Hang a pair of mittens in place of a bow. 

  • - Do you or any friends have flowering trees? If so, ask them for a few snipped branches, and force-bloom them with these tips from Fine Gardening.  The Springtime buds will brighten any room. 


Decorating for the colder months doesn’t have to scream Santa. Light colors, natural things and cozy pieces are perfect for brightening the long nights, and making your home as inviting as it was during the holidays.  


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Keeping Your Packages Safe

by Tucker Robbins

With online shopping having become so popular, this time of year brings stories on the news about package thieves, as well as new gadgets to help deter someone from walking away with packages delivered while someone isn’t home.  There are several options we have that can help keep our deliveries secure, as well as help from online retailers.  


  • - Talk to neighbors that may be home during the days you’re expecting a package, and ask them to be on the lookout for a delivery to your home so they can hold it for you or stash it somewhere out of sight. 

  • - There are simple ways to hide an unattended package: have a large plant to hide boxes behind, or use a lockbox at your doorstep, with key instructions for the carrier in your delivery details. 

  • - Most large retailers will give you a “ship to store” option, and all you have to do is pick it up at the Customer Service desk.   

  • - If your package is coming via USPS, there are several ways to divert package delivery, as well as ask a carrier to leave it somewhere out of sight. 

  • - When you place your order, if you know you’re going to be at work, make sure your boss doesn’t mind if you have your items delivered to your workplace, and use that address for shipping. 

  • - Your local pack-and-ship store will receive deliveries for you for a fee.  

  • - Installing a visible security camera at your front door can deter some thieves, and some cameras come with motion-sensor options to set off a siren or other alert if someone gets too close to your front door. 

  • - Amazon is offering several delivery options:  Amazon Locker, Key In-Car Delivery, and Hub by Amazon. 

  • - UPS offers My Choice to customize your deliveries. For FedEx deliveries, go to their Delivery Manager, create and account, and manage your deliveries. 


The best way to prevent “package Grinches” from stealing your deliveries is to be proactive.  Use text message and email alerts, as well as specific delivery company smartphone apps to notify you when a package is left at your door.  


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Photo credit: Best Buy

National Fire Prevention Month

by Tucker Robbins

It’s the time of year to check not only your battery-operated smoke alarm, but anything you have in your home that could start a fire if not properly used and maintained.  This is also the time to talk with your family about your emergency plan in case of a fire.  These tips will get you started: 


  • - Every kitchen should have an easily-accessed fire extinguisher.  If you don’t have one, purchase one, and if your old one hasn’t been serviced recently, call an official inspector to make sure yours is in good working order. 

  • - Smoke alarms are a must!  Older smoke detectors can be sensitive and go off while someone is cooking, and we inadvertently disconnect the battery to stop that, and forget to reconnect them.  - More recently-produced types have a sensitivity button that can reduce that problem for a set period of time and return to normal after the time is up. 

  • - Homes with more than one story should have an escape ladder close to an easily-accessed window on the upper floor. has a list of their best-rated ladders, and offers tips for choosing the right ladder for your home. 

  • - Don’t overload electrical outlets, and use extension cords only on a temporary basis.  If you need more outlets, call an electrician to install them.  The cost of this greatly outweighs the cost of a fire. 

  • - A visit from an electrician is also warranted if you have outlets that spark when you use them, lights that flicker, or a circuit breaker that trips regularly. 

  • - Clean your dryer’s lint screen after each load, and keep the vent and back of the dryer clean from lint build-up. 

  • - Have chimneys and furnaces checked out before you use them to make sure they’re clean and in good working order.  If you use a wood fireplace, make sure the screen protector has no holes, and use only a flame-retardant rug in front of the hearth.

  • - While cooking, don’t leave the kitchen, and even though your children may like to help, have their station set up far from any hot items. Keep towels and paper products away from anything hot, and don’t leave cooking oil unattended. 

  • - Although it isn’t very common, lightning can cause a house fire.  Lightning rods may seem like an outdated tool, but they are not only helpful for redirecting lightning and prohibiting a fire, they can save your electronics from lightning damage. describes several different types of home lightning protection styles, and how they all work. 


Most importantly, you need a family fire plan, and everyone should be familiar with this plan.  For tips and a guideline to setting up your own fire escape plan, consult this page from the National Fire Protection Association, where you can find free printable tools to make your planning process go smoothly.  No amount of time taken to put a plan into place and practice is too much when it comes to protecting your home and family from a fire.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Fall Home Maintenance

by Tucker Robbins

Fall is the perfect time of year to take care of your home. The days are still long enough to get plenty accomplished, and the cooler weather makes it less taxing than on those sweltering Summer days.  Getting things ready for the cold days ahead will be easy with these tips:

Trees and Leaves

  • Rake or vacuum fallen leaves as they come down.  Deciduous trees drop their leaves at different times, making it easier on you, but it’s great exercise.
  • Mulch the leaves, or bag them for your local waste management to compost, if such a program is available. 
  • Check trees for dead or diseased branches and trim them back.  Trees are going dormant this time of year, and there’s less chance for the diseases to spread after trimming. Call an arborist if the job is too daunting.
  • Fall is the best time of year to plant new trees! The roots don’t have to compete with the heat, they get plenty of water from the Autumn rain, and can settle in and get established.
  • Clean those gutters.  This can be a dreaded task, so hire a handy person or have the family pitch in to finish as quickly as possible.
  • Been thinking about changing the exterior color? Fall is a great time to paint, thanks to cooler temperatures.

General Outdoors

  • Bring in any outdoor furniture, or protect it with covers  made specifically for handling cold weather. 
  • Firewood needs to be covered with a tarp to minimize moisture from snow and rain. Lift the cover occasionally to let any trapped moisture escape.
  • Check all of your outdoor lighting, and replace any bulbs or fixtures.
  • Walk around all of the walkways and driveways, looking for cracks, and seal them with approved sealant.  Snow and ice can cause the surfaces to bulge and cause a falling hazard.
  • Clean the windows, inside and out, and replace screens with storm windows.
  • Service and store the mower, string trimmer, and any other lawn tools you may use.
  • Drain water hoses and store them where they can’t freeze. If you have a sprinkler system, drain it and turn it off.
  • Check your outdoor fireplace or fire pit to make sure it’s safe for the upcoming cool evenings around the fire.

Inside The House

  • Service the furnace. It’s easy to make sure filters are changed and ready to go, but a call to a heat and air contractor is the best way to make sure the heater is ready for Winter.  Sometimes a maintenance contract can save you money.  Ask your provider if they offer this service.
  • Check doors and windows for drafts, and seal with caulking or insulation strips.
  • See that your chimney is free of creosote to prevent fires.  A licensed chimney sweep would be the best for making sure your home and family are safe from chimney fires.
  • Make certain that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order, and replace batteries if necessary.
  • Go in the attic and look for any insulation issues, and replace or repair, if needed.  Be sure that pests can’t get inside and spend the winter in your attic!
  • Change the rotation on ceiling fans.  It should be going in a clockwise direction to help distribute heat away from the ceiling.
  • Wash and/or air out heavy blankets and quilts to get them freshened up for use.
  • If you have a basement in your home, check for cracks in the walls, and if there’s a sump pump, make sure it’s in working order.
  • Clean out closets and storage areas and have a tag sale with unwanted items that are still in great condition.

Be ready for a relaxing, warm Winter inside your home.  Home maintenance--indoors as well as outdoors--is critical for keeping your home’s value up, as well as for our own comfort.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

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Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)