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Real Estate Information Archive


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How To Not Let Your Pets Ruin Your Home Sale

by Tucker Robbins

When you have pets and you are trying to sell your home there are a few ways that you can avoid your pets ruining your home sale.   Many times folks love animals but that doesn’t mean they want to see evidence of your pets in your home when they are trying to envision themselves living there.  Below are a few ideas on how to not let your pets ruin your home sale.

  1.  Vacuuming your home is a great idea before you have someone tour your home for a showing but it is essential if you have pets.  Pet hair and tufts of fur can find their way into your guest’s noses and faces if you aren’t careful and that is not going to be good for your potential sale.  If you have someone who happens to sit on your furniture during their home tour you don’t want pet hair to get all over them.  A good way to insure that this doesn’t happen is to run a damp sponge over the furniture before they arrive. 
  2. As you already know pets are bad about leaving little surprises for you on your floors especially if you are gone during the day.  Pet stains are not a welcomed sight to anyone that might be interested in buying your home.  Think about it, would you want to see someone else’s pet mess when touring a home?   I think not.  Do your best to remove any types of these stains before your potential buyers come to tour your home even if you have to spend some money to get things cleaned and stains removed by professionals. 
  3. Pet odor is another thing that can ruin a potential home sale.    You are likely use to the way your pet smells and may not even be aware that they have an odor but they do.  Those folks who may come to tour your home will likely be able to smell it as soon as they enter the house.  Spraying odor neutralizing sprays can help with pet odor as well as perhaps having just baked some cookies for your guest to enjoy.  Whatever you have to do to get rid of the odor is what you need to do. 
  4. If your pet has a bed in your home it is best to stick it in the closet or to remove it from the home before your home tour begins. 

These are just a few ideas on how to not let your pet or pets ruin your potential home sale.  Hopefully they will get you thinking in the right direction so that you may be more able to walk away with an offer.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Common Real Estate Myths

by Tucker Robbins






If you are in the process of buying or selling a home, you may have already come across some of these common real estate myths.  Real estate myths are abundant and are quite prevalent in the real estate world.  Below you will find a few real estate myths to be wary of whether you are buying or selling a home. 

  1. Some folks believe that if you don’t use a real estate agent you are likely to get a better deal.  This is totally false because no matter which one of you have the agent…one of them is going to get the commission be it the buyer’s agent or the sellers agent.  The only way to get around dealing with paying a commission to a realtor is if you sell or a buy a home that is for sale by owner.  If you do decide to purchase or sell by owner, be very careful because there are a lot of things that can and perhaps will go wrong when you try to go it alone.  Real estate agents deserve all the commission they get because they do a lot of work that you don’t have to worry about doing yourself. 
  2. Another common real estate myth  is that you should set your asking price higher than what you expect to make.  If you price your home too much above the market value you are likely going to be doing yourself an injustice.  Folks are going to pass your home by because they know that it is not in their price range.  Setting your home at a reasonable price is a good way to get buyers to show some interest and not be scared off by sticker shock. 
  3. Yet another common real estate myth is that all of the houses listed in the multiple listing systems are all available to look at online.  Most of the houses on MLS are listed online but if you don’t tell your realtor that you want your home listed online he or she may not do so. 
  4. Another real estate myth  is that having an open house will basically guarantee that you home will sell.  While open houses are good to get folks out looking at your house, they don’t always bring the buyer to your door.  Typically those that look at your house during an open house are just browsing and likely won’t give you an offer. 

Do your part not to let these real estate myths fool you by knowing them ahead of time before you buy or sell a home.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Quick Home Improvements

by Tucker Robbins

home improvements


Home improvements can many times take a lot of time and can easily overwhelm you.  The home improvements listed in list article are some that won’t take you a lot of time.  Likely you will be able to get these home improvements done in just a matter of a day or so.   Whether you want to do these home improvements for your own enjoyment or you plan to sell your house, these will get you started in the right direction and won’t take up a lot of your time.   


  1. First on the list of quick home improvements is to simply change your front door hardware.  This is a simple and easy fix that won’t take you long at all and it is one that won’t cost you a lot either.   

  1. Painting the front door a bright color is another quick home improvement that can really make a big difference in the way your house looks.  Red is a popular color that can make a statement to those who pass by your home.  Another great color to use on your front door is a bright teal color.  Both of these colors are very popular these days so if you want to be part of what is in, you should use one of these colors.   

  1. Another quick home improvement that can make a huge impact on how your home looks is to upgrade your house numbers.  You can buy fancy glass or ceramic tiles with your house number on them to match your newly painted door.   

  1. Painting outdated or old furniture in your home is another quick home improvement that can make your house look awesome.   

  1. Updating your kitchen and bathroom fixtures is a quick home improvement that is easy to do and will make your house look the best it can look.   

  1. If you have an old fireplace that is no longer able to be used, why not put some candles in it to spruce it up a bit.  This is a nice cozy improvement to make especially during the upcoming colder months.   


Again, home improvements don’t have to take a ton of time to make a huge difference on how your house looks.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Make Your Home a More Relaxing Place

by Tucker Robbins

Let’s face it, we are all busy and we all typically look forward to relaxing after a hard day’s work once we arrive home!  Can I get an Amen?  

Many times however, we come home to a house that can sometimes be less than relaxing.  Whether it is the kids running around fighting with one another or the animals leaving us messes to clean up, there are many reasons why our homes can often times be less than relaxing. 

Below are listed a few tips to help make your home a more relaxing place regardless of what is going on around you. 

  1.  Placing a big comfortable chair in a quiet nook in your home with perhaps a blanket thrown over it can do a lot towards adding a relaxing comfy feel.  Be sure to put this chair and blanket in an “out of the way” space such as a back bedroom so that you will be able to go there to escape the day. 
  2. Another idea for making your home a more relaxing place   is to add some fluffy white curtains to your patio or porch.  Add a few pieces of outdoor furniture and a table or two as well.  This will allow you an outdoor space in which you can retire to after a long hard day at work.  These spaces are great for when the weather is good. 
  3. Adding an upholstered headboard to your bed can make the entire room look more soft and serene.  Also if you happen to have a television in your bedroom, take it out and put it somewhere else in the house.  Your bedroom should be your sanctuary at all times. 
  4. Another way to help make your home a more relaxing place is to add a speaker system throughout your house.  This way you can play soft relaxing music and listen to it as you move from room to room. 
  5. Much in the way that music can be used to make your home a more relaxing place, diffusing essential oils into your home can go a long way as well!  If you don’t have a diffuser you should definably order one today! 

These tips to make your home a more relaxing place are a good place to start!  Once you do your part to make your home your sanctuary you will likely love the changes!  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

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How to Choose the Best Offer When You Have Multiple

by Tucker Robbins

While multiple offers may be a good thing, you still should know how to choose the best offer   in the event this happens to you. Below you will find a few ideas on how to best handle this particular situation. 

  1. Finding out which of the potential buyers have the best financing available to them is a great way to help you choose which offer you would be best to go with.  If you pick someone who hasn’t got the financial side of it all worked out for themselves you will likely end up spending more time than you would like getting all the kinks worked out.  Choosing someone who has a reputable lender on the other hand and has already been pre approved will make the transactions go nice and smoothly for all involved. 
  2. Another way to choose the best offer  when you have multiple offers is if the closing date is good for you.  You may have one person that wants to buy your home that has to wait on their home to sell first while another person is ready to go right away.  If you want to and are ready to move out quickly you may want to go with the latter however if you are not quite ready to move that fast you may want to go with the folks that need to wait a while.  Choose the offer that best suits your own personal needs.
  3. Yet another way to choose the best offer on your house when you have been given multiple offers is to make a checklist of the pros and cons of each offer.  This will make sorting out the details a bit easier for you. 
  4. Be sure that you have peace about each offer and if you don’t feel a peace about a certain offer, take that one off the list of who to choose from. 

It is a good idea to go through all scenarios that may arise with each offer that is given before deciding which one to go with.  Once you choose the right offer, you can look forward to moving into a new chapter of your life! 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins

Photo credit:  CRES

Ways To Eliminate Pet Odor When Selling Your Home

by Tucker Robbins

If you have pets you know all too well just what a mess they can make, what you may not be aware of however is that they have a smell all their own that others who walk into your house may be able to smell more than you can.  If you have your house on the market you may need to do your best to eliminate the pet odor before you home starts showing so that you will be better able to sell your home. 

Below are a few ideas and tips to help you get a head start on eliminating pet odor.

  • If your pet has an accident inside of your home douse it with baking soda as quickly as you possibly can after you soak up the urine with a towel.  Allow the baking soda to dry and then pat the area with a dry towel.  Once you have done all of this, be sure to vacuum the area.  The smell that once would have lingered behind after cleaning the soiled area will no longer exist.   
  • Another great way to rid your home of pet smell so that your home may have a better chance of selling is to make a fabric spray out of white vinegar and baking soda.  1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with 1 tablespoon of vinegar will do the trick.  Put these ingredients together in a spray bottle and you will have a great way to get pet smell out of your furniture and other fabrics.  Spraying this concoction over your furniture before a showing is a great way to know that your potential buyers will not be able to smell that you have pets living inside of the house with you. 
  • A  HEPA  air filtration system is also a good thing to have if you have pets and you are planning to try to sell your home.  These types of systems cost as little as $100 and can make all the difference when it comes to the sale of your home.  One hundred dollars may sound like a lot of money but when you think that it may make or break the sale of your home it is nothing.  Be sure to always clean you’re air conditioning filtration system as well so that you will have clean air flowing throughout the house at all times just in case you have someone who wants to take a tour of your home at the last minute. 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Real Estate Expert Tucker Robbins.

Photo credit: The Family Handyman

A Seller's Guide to the Home Appraisal

by Tucker Robbins

The appraisal is one of the many steps in the buying/selling transaction. Lenders need an unbiased valuation of the home being sold, and the appraiser will look at the property. Sellers generally have at least two weeks to get ready, and because they have an important stake in the appraisal of their house, they should be well prepared:



  • - Make sure the front and back yards are neat and free of debris. Check fencing, steps, and walkways for any damaged places and make any necessary repairs. 

  • - As close to the appraisal appointment as possible, put down fresh mulch, colorful potted plants, and mow the grass. 

  • - The exterior siding should not have peeling paint, broken or missing vinyl siding, or rotting wood. 

  • - Make certain windows are in good working order, with no rotting sills, cracked glass, or peeling paint. 

  • - Decking and porches should be in safe condition. 

  • - From a distance, look at the roof for missing shingles or bad spots. Have any recent roof repair paperwork ready for the appraiser. 



  • - Flooring that is worn, soft, cracked, scratched or stained will deduct from the home’s value. Clean the carpets, and make repairs to any hardwood, tile, or linoleum. Use an enzyme odor remover where pet odors are present. 

  • - The appraiser will check the water pressure by turning on all faucets and will flush toilets, too. 

  • - Kitchen cabinets should not have sagging doors, and all should close completely. 

  • - If the odor of mold is present, it will be cause for further inspection. Clean the usual bathroom mold before the appraisal, but if mold is present anywhere else in the house, it is best to be straightforward with the problem and have it professionally eliminated. 


Repairs that cost $500 or less are worth making, as they usually add to the appraisal value. Allow the appraiser to perform their job, answering questions along the way, and have any paperwork from previous repairs at the ready. After prepping the house for the market, it is important to maintain it during the showing process, as it will save time and money once an offer is made and the appraiser makes their assessment. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins

Photo credit: home junction

Protecting Your Vacant Home For Sale

by Tucker Robbins

Moving before your 
old home sells can cause some anxiety for the property’s safety. Criminals can be savvy these days, and you do not want your home compromised, especially when potential buyers are there for a showing. Besides having interior lights set on timers, window coverings, and motion-sensor outdoor lighting, there are a few more things you can do to add an extra layer of security:


- The first step is the most obvious: lock all doors and windows. If someone is looking for easy access, they will check every entryway, and if they are locked, they may decide to walk away. 

- Before the move, check in with your insurance agent and make sure your homeowners policy covers a vacant house. 

- Ask someone you know and trust to keep an eye on things, especially if your move is long-distance. If you must pay someone, check their references. 

- Find neighbor who is willing to park their vehicle in your driveway as another safety measure. 

- Continue to maintain the landscaping, preferably breputable landscaper, neighbor, friend, or family member. 

- As unlikely as it may seem, the HVAC unit should be secured. Installing a lock on the circuit box will discourage theft and adding security cage is a plus. 

- Home security systems are more affordable than ever, and you do not necessarily have to pay monthly service fee to a company. Do some online research and find a system that connects wirelessly and has coordinating smartphone app.  You can keep an eye on things yourself, and if there’s anything suspicious, call your local contact and ask them to check your house for you. 

Your RealtorⓇ normally provides a lockbox to be placed in an out-of-sight place on the outside of the house. Advancements in technology have made these tools even more secure, including types that record who shows your house and when. 


Think of the expense of taking additional precautions as an investment. There is no price tag on peace of mind and protecting your property when you are not present.  Another bonus is that the added security could be more incentive to potential buyers, making your home sell sooner! 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Moving? Should You Sell or Lease?

by Tucker Robbins

When the time comes to relocate, the thought of selling your home while purchasing another seems too much, so renting your current place sounds like a win-win for you. The extra income sounds great, knowing your house is still there in case you need it is another nice thought.  There are pros and cons to this decision, however, so look through these tips to help you finalize your decision: 


  • One major factor to consider is when you know the move is not permanent.  If you know you will be returning in a few years, and it may be a good idea to lease while you are away so you will not have to house hunt upon your return. 

  • Take a close look at the financial aspects of renting your house: 

  • - Landlord’s insurance premiums may cost more than a homeowner’s policy. Talk to your insurance agent about the differences in cost. 

  • - If you have equity in your house, or the money a sale will generate will allow for a nice deposit on another, you really should consider a sale. 

  • - Do the math--if you have a loss after all your expenses (insurance, repairs, property taxes, etc.) are deducted from the rental payments, it would be a better idea to sell. 

  • Take into consideration that in larger areas, there may be times of a vacancy.  Can you handle your current mortgage and rent or mortgage payment in the new place?  If not, put the house on the market. 

  • Renting may be a good choice if the house needs repairs or improvements to bring a good sale price, and the cost of those fixes all at once is out of your budget. 

  • Consider the occasional tenant that will not care for the property as you do. Landlord insurance will not cover normal wear-and-tear, nor intentional damage. 

  • Things can happen, and even good tenants are suddenly unable to pay rent on time--or worse, stop paying rent--and you will be stuck with the mortgage payment, not to mention the possibility of the costs of going through the eviction process.  

  • If you live in an area that attracts visitors or tourists, consider short-term leasing with an online booking company. Be sure you are within your city’s regulations for short-term rentals and consider the frequent cleaning costs and other risks taken when renting to tenants that you have little means to check into before they enter your house. 


The stress of renting just might be greater than the house-hunting in the case of a temporary move.  Talk to other property managers in your area and look at your financial information before you make the final choice. When you decide to sell, call New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.


Photo credit: multibriefs

A Seller's and Buyer's Guide to Property Disclosures

by Tucker Robbins

Realtor® Magazine’s definition of disclosures is “federal, state, county, and local requirements of disclosure that the seller provides, and the buyer acknowledges.”  In most states, this means that a seller must let a buyer know about known problems with the property they are selling.  Disclosing issues with a house is important for both buyer and seller. Understand more about property disclosures in this guide: 


Disclosures and the Seller 

  • - Every prospective property seller will receive a disclosures form from their listing agent.  This form should be filled out truthfully and to the best of the seller’s knowledge. 

  • - Most states want these items disclosed to the buyer:  lead paint or asbestos, previous repairs or additions, mold or water damage, pest issues, drainage problems, foundation cracks, problems with HVAC and other appliances, and roof condition/age. 

  • - The listing agent will be aware of all government disclosure requirements--federal, state, and local.  Transparency from the seller is a must at this point of the property sale. 

  • - “Better safe than sorry,” should be the homeowner’s motto when it comes to disclosures.  For instance, if there is a possibility that mold is an issue under the house, an inspector should have a look. 

  • - Disclose minor things that you have learned to live with.  Items a seller considers small--such as a rattling window on a windy day, or a repair made many years past--can be big things to the buyer. 

  • The disclosure should be ready before the seller accepts an offer--for their protection. 


What the Buyer Needs to Know 

  • - Once a potential buyer receives the disclosure statement, they should read it over carefully and without distraction. Any questions should be marked or written down and questions presented before the disclosure form is signed. 

  • - The added expense of having a home inspection is vital to this part of the sale.  When the buyer meets the inspector, the disclosure form should be in hand so each item can be checked out thoroughly. 

  • - Check local government building permit and zoning information to make sure any additions were performed legally by licensed people. 

  • - If negotiations about any disclosure’s issues break down, it may be best for the buyer to walk away from the sale. 

  • - In the end, doing due diligence is the best way for a buyer to find problems that will be a major issue after the sale. 

Disclosures should be a seller’s protection plan, and smart sellers will be completely honest, and even disclose more than necessary.  Sellers should make sure that their state laws ask them to disclose things like traffic noise, undesirable neighbors, or even paranormal activity!  Choosing a Realtor® with experience will help sellers through the disclosures process so that buyers will have full confidence in the property they are purchasing, which makes for a quick and smooth sale! 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.


Photo credit: mwlp

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Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)