Many have seen the stories of home security cameras that have been hacked in disturbing ways. How can this happen to a security system? How
 secure are they to the outside world is up to the person who sets it up, which is usually the homeowner. Here are a few ways you can protect your home systems from hackers: 


  • Begin with finding out if your email address(es) has been affected by a breach. Go to Have I Been Pwned and enter your email.  If your email has been compromised, it will share the data/app breaches it was involved in, and it would be best to change your email password. 

  • When you create a new account for any device, use a different password for every account, even if you’re using the same email. Many people use the same email/password combination for everything, and there lies the problem of their information being available on the dark web, and having their accounts hacked into easily. 

  • If you have smart speakers, turning off voice commands, voice purchases, microphone, and camera are simply a matter of going into the device’s settings and change them.  

  • Your Wi-Fi router comes with a factory default name and password. It would be a good idea to change those before anyone connects to the router. Use a unique name for your home’s Wi-Fi, and a strong password. Both settings can be changed, and directions are normally in the instruction booklets or ask the internet installer how you can do this. 

  •  When a vulnerability is discovered in any device, the company normally updates the firmware. Be sure your smart devices’ automatic updates are “checked” in the settings.  

  • New products from new companies are great, but sometimes, it’s best to wait for a reputable, established company to produce a similar product. Those companies have a reputation to uphold and will be more likely to make certain their products are as safe as they can be. 

  • This might seem obvious but give your home’s Wi-Fi password only to people you know and trust completely.  


While all these measures are good prevention, nothing is completely safe from hackers. If you are proactive about taking the time to make your devices as secure as possible, you will lessen the chances of becoming a victim.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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