Many are taking advantage of being on stay-home-stay-safe orders and getting a head start on Spring cleaning. Don’t forget about the places that aren’t on display--the pantry and/or kitchen cabinets. Get them cleaned up and organized with these tips:


  • Grease collects on the outside and even the insides of some cabinets. Cut the grease with hot water and dishwashing liquid, rinsing afterward. For tough spots, make a paste of baking soda and water, rub onto the spot, then scrub off with a damp cloth. You’ll need to rinse this solution more than once, but baking soda makes it easy to remove, so the rinsing will be worth it. 

  • For both cabinets and pantry, remove everything from shelves, and toss anything that’s out of date.  

  • When it comes to what’s on your spice rack, McCormickⓇ reports that whole spices last 3-4 years, 2-3 years for ground spices, and herbs have a shorter life of 1-3 years.  Check the freshness date on the container, and if it’s within that time frame, keep it.  If not, throw it away and restock. 

  • On to the shelves containing dishes, storage containers, and cookware:  remove items, and if there’s something you can part with, get rid of it. Keep in mind local daycares or domestic violence shelters that can use kitchen items. 

  • Wipe down all the shelving, preferably with a disinfecting cleaner, and once that’s done, place down non-skid liners where your dishes and glassware will go. 

  • Heavier dishes should be on the bottom shelf. Cookware and bakeware that is used most often should be placed in the front part of the cabinet so they’re easy to get to. 

  • For pantry storage, reshelf everything in categories:  baking supplies, spices, sauces, breakfast items, pastas, and canned food items will be grab-and-go when you need them.

  • Don’t neglect the drawers! Clean them, purge anything you don’t need, and use trays or utensil organizers to keep everything where it’s convenient.  


House Beautiful offers some organizing ideas for every budget, but whatever way you choose to organize your cabinets and pantry, make sure it makes sense to you and your family. Once everything is neatly in place, it will be easier for things to be put back in their places, saving you from hunting for the hand mixer or the bottle of five-spice. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins


Photo credit: Midtown Cabinetry