Becoming a homeowner usually means becoming a do-it-yourselfer, even if there are no plans to take on a major renovation. There is almost always a small job to do or an emergency that can be taken care of by having the right things standing by. What basic 
tools and other items does a homeowner need? 


  • Fire extinguisher Visit the USFA to see what type of extinguisher is needed for the kitchen, workshop, or multipurpose fires. 

  • Portable safe Secure important papers, valuables, and other important items in a portable safe. This could be quite an investment when upgrading to fireproof materials or digital passcodes, but valuables and irreplaceable items need to be protected. 

  • Cleaning items This seems obvious, but a good broom and dustpan, bucket, microfiber cleaning cloths, “shop rags,” and a flat mop are all that is needed to keep a home sparkling. 

  • Simple tools: A hammer, heavy-duty scissors, screwdrivers, hex key tool, measuring tape, handsaw, and more; all of these things will make a homeowner’s life much easier when they need them. 

  • Emergency kit FEMA offers a build-your-own kit list with everything necessary for an emergency. 

  • Heavy-duty extension cord Do not use an indoor-rated cord outdoors. A cord that can handle a large capacity of electricity and bad weather conditions is best. 

  • Wet-dry vacuum Having one of these handy can save clean up time from a dishwasher leak, or spilled nails on the floor.  

  • Ladder A sturdy stepladder or six-foot A-frame is best for smaller jobs. Find out what ladder is best for the job. 

  • Lawn and garden tools Besides a garden hose, mower, and string trimmer, every homeowner with a yard needs a leaf rake, shovel, pruning shears, and a wheelbarrow. 


Not only do homeowners need physical items for upkeep, learning how to do different jobs in the home saves money and builds confidence to handle regular maintenance, which could lead to bigger things! With the right tools on hand and a little know-how, being able to care for a new home is a great satisfaction without a price tag! 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.


Photo credit: new york times