If you have recently taken your house off the market and have decided to wait until a better time for you and your family to sell, you have come to the right place.  Here are a few ideas on how to make your house more enjoyable while you stay there.  If you are like most people, once ideayou decide to put your house on the market you naturally start to go ahead and distance yourself from your current home.   This doesn’t have to be the case.  If you take your house off of the market for a while, you are going to want to enjoy the time you have left in your home and there are several ways in which you can do that.  

  • Deep clean your home. This may not sound like fun and perhaps it may not be but it will be helpful for your mood while having to live there.  It is also a good idea to deep clean before you sell so that your prospective buyers will notice how clean everything is.  Start with the dirtiest room and move your way to the cleanest. 
  • Change your paint colors.  If you have lived in your home for a long time, it is likely that you are tired of the colors that you stare at day in and day out.   Brighten your home up by adding a splash of light color such as a pretty pastel.  You don’t have to change the color in every room, just sprucing up the bathroom will likely make a huge difference. 
  • Change your furniture around  and also the pictures on the wall.  You may be surprised at just how much of a difference this little bit of change can make towards helping you to be content in your home.  Again, you don’t have to rearrange every room, why not start out with the living room. 
  • Bring some fresh flowers home after a long day at work and set them on the kitchen table.  I know for a fact that fresh flowers will put most any woman into a better frame of mind. 
  • You could purchase a few things that you want to use in your new home and go ahead and use them in your current home while you are waiting to list your house back on the market.  A large piece of art should do the trick! 

Hopefully this blog has given you a few ideas of how to make the interim time of being between listings more enjoyable.  Remember also that anything you do to make your home nicer for yourself while you wait to sell it, will also make it nicer for the potential buyers that will be coming to look at your home. 

Information provided by Wilmington DE Realtor Tucker Robbins.