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First Time Homebuyers Mortgage-Related Junk Mail

by Tucker Robbins

The stress and excitement of buying your first home has subsided, the boxes are unpacked, and your mail is being forwarded to your new address–the house is yours! So why are you getting mail regarding your new home purchase? Our guide will help you discern between what is relevant, and what you should toss: 


  • Why are you even getting all these unsolicited offers? Your home purchase is public record. All sorts of house- and mortgage-related “companies” are combing through those records daily, obtaining your information as soon as the deed is filed. 

  • Many of these offers come with your lender’s logo or name in bold print. Comparing contact information on paperwork you already have will help discern if it is a legitimate offer from your mortgage lender. 

  • Life insurance offers come in droves after purchasing a home, and you are the only one who can decide on what insurance company you choose. Contacting a reputable insurance agent in your local area is probably your best choice. 

  • Mortgage protection insurance (MPI) offers are sent to you as well. Such insurance sounds great, as it will pay off your loan in case of death. However, while your loan amount decreases, your MPI premium stays the same, so it would be a better financial decision to have a life insurance policy that is large enough to pay off your mortgage and take care of any other expenses. 

  • Many home warranty offers will inundate your mailbox as well. Do a little homework if you are interested, and your buyer agent can probably recommend a few companies. 

  • Do not just toss or shred anything you suspect may not be legitimate. Read the entire mail contents, look for spelling errors, generic information, and disclaimers–read everything, especially the fine print. Call your lender if you are not sure about something that looks official. 

  • If the former homeowner continues to receive mail at their old address, mark it “Return to Sender,” place it back in the mailbox, and allow the USPS or the company sending the mail to locate the former residents address. 


One great and secure tool you can use to stop receiving anything related to your finances (refinancing offers, credit cards, etc.), is A joint effort of credit companies Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and TransUnion, this site is free to sign up for five years or permanently.


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.

Making an Offer is a Process

by Tucker Robbins

While you’re on the house hunt, every property you see just might be “the one.”  It’s a good idea to learn the different aspects of buying a house before you get into them.  Many discover that after they’ve made an offer of purchase, the process isn’t exac
tly as they’d envisioned! You’ll feel confident when you get to this step by following this guide: 


  • - The offer itself isn’t just a price you’re willing to pay for the property; closing date, closing cost contribution, contingencies, or the earnest money deposit are all things that are normally included when the offer is submitted to the seller. 

  • - Talk with your agent before you come to your initial price, because you don’t want to insult the seller with a very low offer, nor do you want to pay too much for the house. 

  • - Although you won’t always get a complete answer, knowing why the house is on the market can give you some leverage, so ask anyway. Some sellers are in a time crunch and are eager to sell and may take your first offer. 

  • - Keep in mind that there are legal aspects to writing a proposal.  Your Realtor will know all the aspects of this part of the process and will take you through each step. 

  • - It is very likely that the seller won’t accept your price if it’s less than what they’re asking.  If they want to sell and have no higher offers, they may choose to send a counteroffer.  The counteroffer step is nothing to worry about, if the negotiations are getting you somewhere.   

  • - Some sellers will counteroffer with their original asking price.  If this happens, you may have to walk away, as they have shown they’re not interested in moving away from what they want for the property.

  • - Don’t forget that you may not be the only buyers interested in the home!® offers some advice on how sellers might handle multiple offers and some ideas on how to make your offer stand out. 


When your offer is accepted, it’s exciting, but there is still work to do!  Hopefully, you have pre-approval for a mortgage, making the buying process a much smoother one.  There are added costs associated with buying a home, so be sure you have your finances in order.  


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Tips For Buying Land To Build On

by Tucker Robbins

If you have decided you want to buy land to build on instead of buying an already built home, there are a few things you need to consider first.  The biggest thing you need to consider before buying land is whether you want to live in the country or the city.  Do you want acreage or do you want neighbors, or perhaps both?  Below are a few tips for buying land that may be of some help to you.   


  1. 1. If cost is important to you then you may want to purchase land  out in the country instead of the city.  The price for buying a spot of land in the city is a lot more expensive and the size of the land will be much smaller as well.  If you like to have your space then buying a lot of land out in the country may be just the thing for you. 


  1. 2. Once you have decided where you want to live, city vs. country you then will need to go to the land you are considering and look around.  Look up and see what there is to see.  Do you see a lot of cars passing by or do you see a school close by or a factory?  All of these things can become issues for you when buying a piece of land so be sure to pay attention to all of your senses when on the land, sights and smells.   


  1. 3. Find out what the zoning requirements are on the land you want to build on.  You may have plans to build a small home on your land when the zoning requirements are that you build a house that is at least 2,000 square feet.    


  1. 4. Pay attention to how close the land you want is to water.  Are there any flooding problems?  Have there been problems in the past?  These are things you need to think about.   


  1. 5. You also need to find out about the water quality on any land you are considering purchasing.  Find out if the water is pure or if you will need to purchase a water filtration system for your home once you build.  These types of things can be costly so be careful to ask as many questions as you need to get the answers you need.   


Hiring a Real Estate agent to help you find land to purchase  is the best thing you can do because they already know all of these tips and can help lead you in the direction that is best for you and your family.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Making Your New Neighborhood Feel Like Home

by Tucker Robbins

Congratulations! You’ve survived the process of leaving one home and finding another and the onus of packing everything up and then unpacking the same boxes.  You’ve found a new bank and a new doctor; you’ve investigated trash pick-up times, licensing requirements, and car registration; and your mail is being forwarded on a regular basis.  So far so good, but now that you’re somewhat settled in your home, it’s time to become familiar with your new environment.

The following tips are designed to help you become part of your new community and re-create the sense of belonging you had in your previous location.

  • Go online to learn about the new area and what it has to offer. Look at the city or chamber of commerce website. Research religious facilities, cultural opportunities, parks and outdoor activities, and so much more!
  • Acquire a regional map and drive around. Explore shortcuts and pinpoint the location of shopping malls, medical services, libraries, the post office, city offices, etc.
  • Talk to neighbors. Ask advice about home maintenance companies, babysitters, doctors, or the civic league or homeowners’ organization association.
  • Take a walking tour of your neighborhood. Introduce yourself to and initiate conversations with neighbors who are outside. Compliment their yard or ask directions, for starters.
  • Attend garage/yard sales in the vicinity of your home. Shoppers at these events are generally friendly and gregarious, so talk to them.
  • Read the local newspaper to discover places of interest and happenings in the area. Look for clubs or group meetings that focus on your interests--art, gardening, books, sports, crafts, e.g.
  • Join a recreation center or gym. Attend classes there or work out with a group that you know will share your interests.
  • Volunteer. Check with a church or synagogue, a hospital, library, or school near you. Volunteering is a terrific way to meet people and to make you feel an integral part of the community.
  • Give a house warming party and invite all your neighbors. Such an occasion is a good reason to finish unpacking and decorating your new home and a wonderful way to make friends..

Before long you will become familiar with your new environment and be comfortable there. Best of all, you will “belong” once again! 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Photo credit: istock

Hoarding Habits and How to Stop Them

by Tucker Robbins

Most of us have seen the television show by the name of Hoarders. The reality of the lives these people struggle with is terrifying.  Have you ever given any thought to the fact that perhaps you are a hoarder yourself?  Maybe even just on a smaller scale?  There are a few items that even normal people tend to hoard.  Below is a list of a few items that you might be hoarding in your home and how to stop doing it.  


  1. 1. In this day and time most of us have all of our photos either saved to our social media pages or saved on our cell phones.  However, some of us have boxes of photos from the past that we keep just in case we want to look at them some day.  There is nothing wrong with having some photos in a box to look at but if the boxes of photos are overtaking your closet space there might be a problem.  The best way to stop this hoarding problem   is to go through the pictures you have stored in boxes a little a time and pick out those you simply cannot live without.  Once you do this, use these photos to make a small scrapbook that can easily be stored in a bookshelf that is easily accessible to anyone whenever they want to take a trip down memory lane with photos.   


  1. 2. Another typical thing that many folks tend to hoard is magazines.  If you have a subscription to a magazine then you are getting these delivered in your mailbox once a month.  If you have more than one subscription it won’t take long before these magazines can begin to overtake your house.  The best way to stop hoarding  magazines is to throw them out as soon as you look through them.  There is no reason to keep holding on to magazines once the month has passed because no one wants to look at old outdated news.


  1. 3. If you have children then you are likely hoarding some of their artwork somewhere in your home.  If you have more than one child you probably have a lot of it.  The best way to stop this kind of hoarding is to go through the art work and pick out your favorites.  Put your favorites into a small container that can easily be stored and looked at anytime you feel like it.  No need for hundreds of art projects lying all over the house. 


These are just a few tips for you to get rid of items you might be hoarding in your home.  There are many others you may need to work on as well.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

How to Make Your Outdoor Space More Inviting and Fun

by Tucker Robbins

Make your outdoor space more inviting and fun for family and friends using the list below with ways in which you can accomplish this: 

  1.  If you already have landscape lighting, why not purchase a few fun colored lights to use in them for different holidays.  This will defiantly make your outdoor space a lot more fun.
  2. If you are getting tired of mowing your grass then you may want to replace your grass with a garden.  You might want to add a garden of flowers or a garden of vegetables or even put in a koi pond.  Any of these ideas will help to keep you from spending your summer evenings mowing the grass all the time, therefore making your outdoor space more fun.
  3. If your patio furniture is old and outdated, now is the time to go out to purchase some that allows you to show your style more effectively.  Outdoor furniture always makes outdoor spaces more inviting and fun.
  4. Adding a new doorbell to the outside of your home may seem like a small thing, however if you find a nice one that lights up the front door area it can do wonders towards making your home seem more inviting at night. 
  5. If you don’t already have a swimming pool, summertime is a great time to add one.  Not much can make your outdoor space more fun than a swimming pool for all to enjoy. 
  6. If you do add a swimming pool why not go out and make it really fun and cool by adding an outdoor shower to the mix.  This type of thing is pretty rare unless your home is at the beach, therefore your outdoor shower may quickly become the talk of the neighborhood.  

There are so many ways in which to make your outdoor space more inviting and fun; these are just a few of them that you may want to try.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Is It Time to Stop Renting?

by Tucker Robbins

Between rising rent costs and the desire to have a place you can call your own, one might believe that purchasing a home is a far-off dream. Think again! There is much to consider, from finances to logistics to paint colors, many factors of homeownership are different than when you are a tenant in someone else’s home, so you need to prepare now for a new home later. 


  • Do you love your rental? If so, talk with your landlord about purchasing the property! Once they become aware that you are interested and possibly moving, the thought of preparing and looking for a new tenant may encourage them to agree to a sale. All you can do is ask!  

  • Consider purchasing a townhouse or condominium when searching for properties. Many are affordable and convenient and would make the perfect first home. 

  • Think about your community options--where you live can affect how much you pay in fees, property taxes, or maintenance costs. 

  • If you have renters’ insurance--and you should--take note that a homeowner’s policy costs more, because it covers much more than just your belongings. Most mortgages will include homeowners’ insurance in the monthly payment. If your current agent can find a cheaper rate, go for it! 


Do you want the freedom to paint your living room bright green? Are you tired of having to keep your growing family quiet so as not to disturb the neighbor’s downstairs? If so, it may be time to think about buying a house. Connect with a Realtor® to guide you through the entire home-buying process.  


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Fun Rainy Day Things to Do Inside Your Home

by Tucker Robbins

Don’t get bored being stuck inside; below is a list of a few rainy day things you can do inside your home.  If you have small children you know all too well how easily they can get bored when they are stuck inside due to bad weather.  Get them and read this list together to get started on some fun! 


  1. 1. One fun indoor activity you can do with your small children is to have an indoor scavenger hunt.  Write down some clues to where you have hidden items in your house and set your children out on an indoor hunt to find them!  This can be fun for you as well as you watch your kids trying their best to find what you have hidden. 

  1. 2. Another fun rainy day thing to-do inside your home  with your family is to go camping inside!  Get your tent out and set it up right in the middle of your family room.  You and your family can sleep in the tent together all night long!  If everyone doesn’t fit you can use sleeping bags to make it a full fledge family event.  A super fun way to make your indoor camping event even more real is to make smores in the microwave!   

  1. 3. Yet another fun rainy day thing to do inside is to gather all of your board games and get the entire family involved in playing them together!  If you don’t have any board games you can likely find some type of game for all to play online.   

  1. 4. If you don’t want to have to create something fun to do with your family, why not bake some cookies together!  It is always fun to get your little ones together in the kitchen to bake.  Have each child create their own cookie with the ingredients you have available, then let the rest of the family be judges to give the best cookie award! 


These are a few fun rainy day things you can do inside your home that is sure to make everyone have an enjoyable time even if they can’t go outside!   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Smart Gadget Ideas for the Home

by Tucker Robbins

Smart Gadgets are quite fun to look at and try out but have you ever considered purchasing a few for your home?  Why not take the plunge to make your home a more interesting place to be by purchasing a few or all of the gadgets mentioned below. 


  1. 1. Many of you may have already seen or perhaps even tried the smart vacuum.  If you haven’t tried it you need to do so.  Just imagine pushing a few buttons and sitting down to relax while your vacuum cleaner does all the work for you.  What a revolution!  Be prepared to dish out $700 to $900, but it will likely be quite worth it in the end.  


  1. 2. Smart trash cans have perhaps not been as heard of as the vacuum cleaners but they are just as cool none the less.  If you are the type of person that cannot stand to touch the top of the trashcan due to the fact that it is loaded with germs, this may be just the thing for you!  Not only will you not have to touch the lid but some of these gadgets even tell you when the trash is full and needs to be taken out!  How do you like that for smart?! $150 to $200 will buy you this luxury item!  


  1. 3. Washers and dryers have had intelligent features for years but are beginning to add more and more as each year passes.  Some of them now have phone apps that let you remotely control them.  Some will sense when you are home and instantly begin using their quiet mode so as not to disturb you.  These types of machines will run you $1400-$1800 each but are well worth the money if you have it to spare.  


  1. 4. Even air purifiers have been added to the list of smart gadgets folks are buying these days.  These items puts your homes air through different filters, then analyzes the data and sends it to your phone to tell you what types of things are prevalent in your air such as pollen, dust, pet dander, etc.  These cost from $200 to $750.   


You may have thought that your home couldn’t be this smart but it can if you have the money to make it happen.  These items are so amazing that if you don’t currently have the money to buy them, you may want to consider saving up for one at a time.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Small Ways to Save Money At Home

by Tucker Robbins

Just because your home doesn’t have any major issues such as a leaky basement or a floor that is about to cave in doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot of little ways you are losing cash each month.  Below are a few small tips to help you save money at home that may eventually add up big.   


  1. 1. If you have yet to change your lights over to energy efficient ones you should do that right away.   This is an easy way to save a little bit each month that doesn’t take long at all to accomplish.  LED lights are going to cost you a bit more than regular light bulbs but in the long run they will be a big help to your budget. 


  1. 2. Big ticket items such as air conditioning systems can cost you and your family a lot each year if you don’t do your part to make sure they work to the best of their ability.  Make sure to change your air filters on a regular basis and clean all the vents as well.  This type of maintenance should be done before the heat of the summer begins so that all will work correctly when it is needed most.  


  1. 3. Another small way to save money at home  is to make sure you eat what you put in your refrigerator.  Wasting food is a big money pit that affects many Americans today.   If you buy a lot of produce and other perishables you need to be sure to put them at eye level so that they don’t get lost in your fridge only to have to be thrown out later.  If you have a small family you might want to purchase smaller amounts of foods that don’t have a long shelf live to avoid wasting each week.  


  1. 4. If you haven’t already done so, get rid of your landline phone.  Most everyone these days has a cell phone and the need for a landline phone has almost become obsolete.  Save that $40 per month and put it towards something of better use.  You may be surprised at just how quickly $40 each month can add up.  


  1. 5. Before you decide to bring a furry family member into your home, realize that they are quite expensive.   If you are trying your best to save money perhaps buying a pet might need to go on the back burner for a while.


These are just a few ways in which your pocketbook can get a bit of rest  on a regular basis.  Use the ideas you like and see what a difference they can make.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Displaying blog entries 11-20 of 155




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Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)